Sunday, January 1, 2012

3... 2... 1... Champagne

Sitting around the living room yesterday afternoon – together again with Nunan back in America – we started reminiscing about the last year. Weird, I know. We never just sit around and talk… (jokes – that’s literally all we do). Anyways, we discovered something pretty cool... Even numbered years have been all about “change”. All of the major events in our lives happened in these years: high school graduation, going abroad, college graduation, first apartments, first real jobs, first real responsibility… basically just a whole lot of firsts. 2012 is already lined up to follow with this trend. With friends headed all over the country this summer, and others starting grad school / new jobs, our group is starting to split up. It’s crazy. We’ve lived, breathed and depended on each other for the last six years, and now all of the sudden I have to “grow up”. What is that? The worst. 

For the first time – in my entire life – I will move across the country… on my own. Talk about a mess of emotions. It’s a weird feeling to be excited and terrified at the same time, but that anxiety is pulsing through me… and probably will until I step off that plane in sunny Dallas. Actually, let’s be completely honest here… that emotion will absolutely peak in that exact moment. I guess the good news is we’ll have a lot of new places to visit in 2012. (Side note: Visit me.)

This year we rang in 2012 in Boston. We popped numerous bottles of champagne, threw on cocktail dresses peppered with sparkles, put appetizers all over our apartment and invited every person we’ve ever know to join us. Literally. Sorry boys, but the 5 of you were grossly outnumbered last night. After some party games and a little bit of the Bruins, we headed to the bar. Walking there proved interesting. Very high heels and alcohol levels don’t mix well. We all have a few bumps and bruises to prove this thesis… some more than others. I feel it necessary here to give some props to a certain individual who carried my butt home at the end of the festivities… You know who you are, and it was much appreciated.

Happy New Year!
All in all, great night. One for the books ladies and gents.

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