Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Brunch

Sunday brunch is the best. In college, brunch was an event. It involved multiple coffees, too much food, a "secret" yellow sauce -- which was delightful on everyyything but no one could ever quite describe what it tasted like -- and hours of sitting around and talking about nonsense. It was the part of the weekend where we just sat and laughed. We talked about the ridiculous things we had gotten ourselves into over the last few nights and quite literally occupied the cafeteria for an inappropriate amount of time.  

Brunch is pretty much the same now, except we have to pay for it with real money instead of "hill bucks". We've done the cook-your-own-breakfast option too... and even though I love cooking, nothing beats rolling out of bed and having someone else do all the work. Lindsay -- I hope you love food as much as I do, because I'm going to need to continue this Sunday tradition in Texas...

Live to eat...

Now, since we are in this funny mood... Here are some weekend loves/likes/wants:

Shit Nobody Says -- All of these videos are funny, but this particular one floored me

 Amazing Grace -- My obsession with Phil Vassar grows stronger with this song... 

London Tumbler -- to prepare for our upcoming trip to London/Paris (eff yea)

Super Bowl Cocktails -- clever

I hope everyone had a very relaxing weekend...

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