Friday, March 23, 2012

Rate that...

After a midnight wake up last Thursday from two of my favorite people… followed by a conversation that went from comforting after my rough week, to just plain strange & hysterical… I was told that “Raw Dog Rotaries” (not even a little bit close to Raw Bars to Rodeos, but good effort) was a dumb blog because it lacked the social maturity of “BarStool Sports”. What a weird way to kick me when I’m down, right? Anyways, the conversation went on to a much more positive tone; however, it got me thinking. Since I’ve always been the type of person to use criticism in a constructive fashion, I figured I should heed this wise advice. I was going to copy the "Guess that Ass" game from the beloved BarStool; however, 90% of my followers know this person (gosh, there are so many of you). So here it is folks... Raw Bars to Rodeos’ very first (and potentially very last) “Rate That Ass” post. Please feel free to leave your rating comments below. 

Oh, and to the owner of this backside... thanks for being such a good sport. If you're not, well, I guess this is for the water on the ceiling, the wooden signs in my bed and every time you've gotten me with the "hiding and jumping out of a dark room" game.

Cheers everyone! Happy Weekend!

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