Friday, July 6, 2012

Two weeks to go...

I think CMR (soon to be CML) said it best the other day, “I am exhausted by my lifestyle.” The last two months have been just that… exhausting. Here’s a quick recap:

Two successful trips to Texas. A long weekend in Newport with my family… followed by a weekend on the Cape with the girls. Two weddings and one crazy bachelorette party. A weekend on the boat in Lakeville. All topped off with a Red Sox / Yankees game with my dad this Saturday. Sprinkle in numerous ice cream dates, too many happy hours to count, about a dozen family dinners in Brighton, after-work riding lessons with Parker and one beautiful engagement and you can see why coffee seems to be in a constant supply (and demand) these last few weeks. 

Red Sox game with D

Vineyard tour - Greenvale
With the rush and commotion of this life we’ve all thrown ourselves into, I’ve found very little time to sleep, let alone write. In fact, the only writing I’ve done in the past few months has been a compilation of lists – mapping out all the things I cannot forget to do before I leave for Texas. Things like find a new apartment (check), buy furniture for said apartment (check) and schedule the movers and a one-way ticket south (check and check)… and so on. 

Along with all that fun, I’ve been trying to spend every waking minute with my friends, family and everyone in my life who has made these last few years as meaningful and significant as they have been. I probably don’t have to tell you all this… but each and every one of you has shaped the life that I’m living today. You’ve all made me feel so incredibly brave about this move, and on top of everything else, so loved. Sometimes I think I’m crazy to be moving away from such a support system… but isn’t that the point of life? These relationships built up my backbone… so that one day (two weeks from now) I can board that plane and feel confident that this change will only make me a stronger person. 

Newport, RI

Enough of that mushy stuff for one day though… I’m sure there will be plenty more to come over the next few weeks…